Lyssa has been working in the garden....she found a few babies.
They are cute, but not something we want in the garden.

Its been awhile since I posted some "normal" pictures of our family. You know...nothing in the hospital.....So here a few of the family!!

This is the newest addition--Bella Boo
I am so glad you finally updated with the family - you just about got an email from me!
They look very nice. Good Easter pictures. I didn't take any on Sunday - I was so bad!
Hello Stahl family,
It was good to see you all outside of the hospital. The kids have been asking how you are feeling after I told them about all three of the kids hospital stays. They are praying for you and they (we) love you. And of course we are still waiting for a visit from the Stahl family here in Romania.
Love you all,
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