Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More for you!

Ever heard of "shop around the clock"

Sample of Lipstock

2 yr free subscription to Wondertime mag

Sippy cup from Juicy Juice -- I didn't do this one but for those with little ones it would be good.

Elf Yourself This is so fun!! Put a pic of a family member in this and watch em dance. I tried to blog my kids but it doesn't work...however, you can email this to friends!

Bertollis sauce sample

Savour mag sub -- food magazine
Free lapel pin You choose out of 5 styles! These are really cute
1 year sub. to Hunter and Sport Mag

No, I am not one of the blogs that are dedicated to being ALL about frugal stuff, however, I have enjoyed sharing some of the stuff with you as I have come across the stuff. (I only share just a little bit with you, there is tons of stuff out there!)

I will admit that within the last several months I have been trying to be a Frugal Mamma!!! Now that is easier said than done but I am getting there. I have set a BUDGET for myself.....UGH, but I am doing a budget for groceries and such and trying to get other things paid TOTALLY OFF!!! Now, starting a grocery budget during the holidays is NOT easy!! But, I haven't done bad and I will admit that I'm a little proud of myself for some of the savings that I have done. It does take a bit of time as well as understanding from the rest of your family members that you might just walk into the same store several times in order to do your "deal" but my family has been very supportive. Its become a game at times to see how much we can save at the store. In the last few months I have brought a bag of stuff home, sat it on the counter and asked the kids to guess how much I spent and they could win the pack of gum I brought home (which by the way was one of the deals!!!) I will admit that my Frugal links on the side have helped me A LOT and I have been amazed at the stuff and money you can save with a little bit of planning, time and organization!!! Just wish I would have started doing some of that stuff earlier in life. However, I think my kids are gonna learn a few good habits on how to save and be thrifty!!! Now, Jane4girls link who only spends 800.00 for groceries annually -- well, lets just say that I haven't gotten that good. So for those of you interested you may want to check out some of the links at the side.
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and maybe I'll see you out shopping on Black Friday!!!

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